Wireless Physical Layer Network Coding
Human Development and Political Violence
Refugee Repatriation: Justice, Responsibility And Redress
Guidelines: A Cross-Cultural Reading/Writing Text (Cambridge Academic Writing) (Cambridge Academic Writing Collection)
What Americans Build and Why: Psychological Perspectives
Race: An Introduction
Shakespeare Survey 71: Volume 71: Re-Creating Shakespeare
Hurricane Katrina and the Forgotten Coast of Mississippi
Redefining Human Rights in the Struggle for Peace and Development
The European Commission and Bureaucratic Autonomy: Europe's Custodians
Congress and the Politics of National Security
Global Challenges in Responsible Business (Cambridge Companions to Management)
Shakespeare and the Digital World: Redefining Scholarship And Practice
Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere and Ocean
EU Treaties and Legislation
International Law Documents
Successful Grant Proposals in Science, Technology, and Medicine: A Guide to Writing the Narrative
Essentials of EU Law
Lawyering for the Rule of Law: Government Lawyers And The Rise Of Judicial Power In Israel (Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law)
Transitional Justice and the Former Soviet Union: Reviewing the Past, Looking toward the Future
The Rise of the Global Company (New Approaches to Economic and Social History)
Psychopathology: A Social Neuropsychological Perspective
Promoting Compliance in an Evolving Climate Regime
Bushmen: Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers and Their Descendants