A Question and Answer Guide to Astronomy
Aid for Elites: Building Partner Nations and Ending Poverty through Human Capital
Fundamentals of Medical Imaging
The Limits of Legal Reasoning and the European Court of Justice (Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy)
The Genesis of America (Cambridge Studies in US Foreign Relations)
Genocide and Mass Violence: Memory, Symptom, And Recovery
Experimental Pragmatics: The Making of a Cognitive Science (Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics)
Desperate Remedies (The Cambridge Edition of the Novels and Stories of Thomas Hardy)
International and European Disability Law and Policy: Text, Cases and Materials (Law in Context)
Volcanotectonics: Understanding the Structure, Deformation and Dynamics of Volcanoes
Trends in Commutative Algebra (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications)
Monarchy Transformed: Princes and their Elites in Early Modern Western Europe
Rediscovering Economic Policy as a Discipline (Federico Caffè Lectures)
The Cambridge Companion to the Musical (Cambridge Companions to Music)
Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Vengeful Citizens, Violent States: A Theory of War and Revenge
Viewing America: Twenty-First-Century Television Drama
Treatment-Related Stroke: Including Iatrogenic and In-Hospital Strokes
Naturalism and Unbelief in France, 1650–1729
Health and Physical Education: Preparing Educators for the Future
District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries
Great Judgments of the European Court of Justice: Rethinking the Landmark Decisions of the Foundational Period
Paternal Influences on Human Reproductive Success
North Korean Human Rights: Activists and Networks