Liberalism: Old and New: Volume 24, Part 1: v. 24 (Social Philosophy and Policy)

Liberalism: Old and New: Volume 24, Part 1: v. 24 (Social Philosophy and Policy)

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Cambridge University Press, 2/12/2007
EAN 9780521703055, ISBN10: 0521703050

Paperback, 358 pages, 23 x 15.4 x 2 cm
Language: English

In this collection, thirteen prominent philosophers and political scientists address the nature of liberalism, its origins, and its meaning and proper interpretation. Some essays examine the writings of liberalism's earliest defenders, like John Locke and Adam Smith, or the influence of classical liberalism on the American founders. Some focus on the Progressive movement and the rise of the administrative state, while others defend particular conceptions of liberalism or examine liberal theories of justice, including those of John Rawls and Robert Nozick. Several essays discuss the U.S. Constitution, seeking to determine whether it is best viewed as empowering the federal government to achieve certain ends, or as strictly limiting its power to ensure the broadest freedom for individuals to pursue their own ends. Other essays address the limits of economic freedom or focus on the nature and extent of property rights and the government's power of eminent domain.

1. Newer than what? Older than what? Alan Ryan
2. The progressive origins of the administrative state
Wilson, Goodnow, and Landis Ronald J. Pestritto
3. Progressivism as a national narrative in Biblical-Hegelian time Elson J. Eisenach
4. On justifying the moral rights of the moderns
a case of old wine in new bottles Gerald F. Gaus
5. Liberalism, economic freedom, and the limits of markets Debra Satz
6. Populist perfectionism
the other American liberalism Thomas A. Spragens, Jr.
7. Procedural versus substantive justice
Rawls and Nozick David Lewis Schaefer
8. Libertarianism and the state Peter Vallentyne
9. Liberalism beyond borders Loren E. Lomasky
10. Liberalism and the constitution Sotirios A. Barber
11. On constitutional welfare Liberalism
an Old-Liberal perspective Michael P. Zuckert
12. Why the New Liberalism isn't all that new, and why the Old Liberalism isn't what we thought It was William A. Galston
13. Federalism and the Old and New Liberalisms Jacob T. Levy.