The Neuroscience of Intelligence (Cambridge Fundamentals of Neuroscience in Psychology)
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 12/28/2016
EAN 9781107461437, ISBN10: 110746143X
Paperback, 266 pages, 23.4 x 16.5 x 1.4 cm
Language: English
This book introduces new and provocative neuroscience research that advances our understanding of intelligence and the brain. Compelling evidence shows that genetics plays a more important role than environment as intelligence develops from childhood, and that intelligence test scores correspond strongly to specific features of the brain assessed with neuroimaging. In understandable language, Richard J. Haier explains cutting-edge techniques based on genetics, DNA, and imaging of brain connectivity and function. He dispels common misconceptions, such as the belief that IQ tests are biased or meaningless, and debunks simple interventions alleged to increase intelligence. Readers will learn about the real possibility of dramatically enhancing intelligence based on neuroscience findings and the positive implications this could have for education and social policy. The text also explores potential controversies surrounding neuro-poverty, neuro-socioeconomic status, and the morality of enhancing intelligence for everyone. Online resources, including additional visuals, animations, questions and links, reinforce the material.
1. What we know about intelligence from the weight of studies
2. Nature more than nurture
the impact of genetics on intelligence
3. Peeking inside the living brain
neuroimaging is a game changer for intelligence research
4. Fifty shades of gray matter
a brain image of intelligence is worth a thousand words
5. The holy grail
can neuroscience boost intelligence?
6. As neuroscience advances, what's next for intelligence research?