Acid Toxicity and Aquatic Animals (Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series)

Acid Toxicity and Aquatic Animals (Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series)

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Cambridge University Press, 3/16/1989
EAN 9780521334358, ISBN10: 0521334357

Hardcover, 296 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.1 cm
Language: English

This volume aims to review and present research on acid waters and their effects on aquatic animals. Starting initially with the environment in order to assess why the problems have arisen in particular areas, the volume then deals with field and survival studies on invertebrates and vertebrates and examines the extent of the biological problem and the attempts which have been made to relate water quality and the susceptibility of animals. Major advances in this area have included the realization that declining populations are often the result of acid waters and their interactions with traces of other ions and that these situations produce the most severe physiological problems. The natural progression of environmental and field studies, toxicity and survival tests provide the background information for the physiological studies which follow. These form the major component of the book and they seek to analyse the toxic effects of acid waters and trace metals on acid-base balance, respiration, ionic balance together with cardiovascular and endocrinological effects.

Units, symbols and formulae
1. The causes and consequences of surface water Sir John Mason
2. Invertebrate communities in acid streams D. W. Sutcliffe and A. G. Hildrew
3. Fish survival in acid waters D. J. A. Brown and K. Sadler
4. Field studies on fisheries in acid waters in the UK A. W. H. Turnpenny
5. Episodic changes in water quality and their effects on fish J. P. Reader and C. H. Dempsey
6. Acid-base regulation in fishes
1. Mechanisms N. Heisler
7. Acid-base regulation in fishes
2. Biological responses and limitations J. N. Cameron
8. Intracellular pH regulation and the effects of external acidification R. C. Thomas
9. The physiological problems of fish in acid waters C. M. Wood
10. Laboratory studies on invertebrate survival and physiology in acid waters J. H. D. Vangenechten, H. Witters and O. L. J. Vanderborght
11. The physiological problems of crayfish in acid waters B. McMahon and S. Stuart
12. The effects of hydrogen and aluminium ions on fish gills W. T. W. Potts and P. G. McWilliams
13. The combined effects of pH and trace metals on fish ionoregulation D. G. McDonald, J. P. Reader and T. R. K. Dalziel
14. Endocrine responses to acid stress in fish S. E. Wendelaar Bonga and P. H. M. Balm
15. Commentary and conclusions G. D. Howells and R. Morris