Aid for Trade and Development
Cambridge University Press, 1/26/2009
EAN 9780521757256, ISBN10: 0521757258
Paperback, 454 pages, 25.3 x 21.5 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
Following in the wake of the World Trade Organization's engagement with Aid for Trade, this book brings together a range of perspectives around this emerging issue. The collection of articles in this volume presents many of the ideas elaborated through research conducted by International Lawyers and Economists Against Poverty (ILEAP) since 2005 and is intended to provide a basis for further study. Since many of the contributions on aid for trade to date have come from the North, the book looks to deepen the debate by forwarding voices and experiences from the South. The book traces the evolution of Aid for Trade from its beginnings and examines the global architecture, modalities, and costs associated with its implementation. Drawing on lessons from national and regional experiences, this book further explores ways in which Aid for Trade can both move forward and become a real tool for poverty reduction in beneficiary countries.
Part I. Aid for Trade Genesis and Architecture
1. Aid for Trade
helping developing countries benefit from trade opportunities Bernard Hoekman
2. Aid for Trade
an essential component of the multilateral trading system and the WTO Doha Development agenda Faizel Ismail
3. Aid for Trade
how we got here, where we might go Michael Finger
4. Financing international public goods
a framework to address Aid for Trade Dirk Willem te Velde
5. Aid for Trade
a new issue in the WTO Sheila Page
6. Scale and types of funds for Aid for Trade Massimiliano Calì
7. An African perspective on Aid for Trade Dominique Njinkeu et al.
Part II. Aid for Trade in Action
8. Lessons from the Tanzanian experience in trade capacity building Bede Lyimo and Edward Sungula
9. Lessons from the Cambodian experience in trade capacity building Sok Siphana
10. Lessons learned delivering Aid for Trade in Latin America and the Caribbean
the role of the Inter-American Development Bank Antoni Estevadeordal, Paolo Giordano, Anneke Jessen, Jessica Luna and Kati Suominen
11. Mainstreaming development in trade
lessons from the Caribbean's experience with the FTAA Hemispheric Cooperation Program Deryck Brown
12. Aid for Trade and the European Development Fund Amanda Sunassee
13. Services-related projects in Aid for Trade Pierre Sauvé
14. Aid for Trade for services in small economies
some considerations from the Caribbean Ramesh Chaitoo
15. The role of local researchers in delivery of Aid for Trade
the case of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) William Lyakurwa, Olu Ajakaiye and Olawale Ogunkola
16. The role of international research institutions and networks in supporting low-income countries in trade policy-making and negotiations Ann Weston
17. Civil society perspectives in the Aid for Trade debate Aldo Caliari
Part III. Way Forward
18. Aid for Trade and private sector development Havelock Brewster and Dominique Njinkeu
19. Regional Aid for Trade Dirk Willem te Velde.
'The framework for Aid for Trade has recently been shaped within the WTO Task Force on Aid for Trade. This book is very timely as it deepens and broadens the discussion on how Aid for Trade most effectively can ensure that trade becomes a forceful tool for sustainable development and poverty reduction. It includes a variety of voices and perspectives, also from developing countries, and is highly recommended reading to all preoccupied with the increased participation of developing countries in international trade.' Dr Mia Horn af Rantzien, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the WTO, Chair of the WTO Task Force on Aid for Trade