Cellular Mechanotransduction: Diverse Perspectives from Molecules to Tissues

Cellular Mechanotransduction: Diverse Perspectives from Molecules to Tissues

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 11/23/2009
EAN 9780521895231, ISBN10: 0521895235

Hardcover, 478 pages, 25.4 x 18.4 x 2.5 cm
Language: English

'Mechanotransduction' is the term for the ability, first described by 19th-century anatomist Julius Wolff, of living tissues to sense mechanical stress and respond by tissue remodeling. More recently, the scope of mechanotransduction has been expanded to include the sensation of stress, its translation into a biochemical signal, and the sequence of biological responses it produces. This book looks at mechanotransduction in a more restricted sense, focusing on the process of stress sensing and transducing a mechanical force into a cascade of biochemical signals. This stress has become increasingly recognized as one of the primary and essential factors controlling biological functions, ultimately affecting the function of the cells, tissues, and organs. A primary goal of this broad book is also to help define the new field of mechanomics, which attempts to describe the complete mechanical state of a biological system.

1. Introduction Roger D. Kamm and Mohammad R. K. Mofrad
2. Endothelial mechanotransduction Peter F. Davies and Brian P. Helmke
3. Role of the plasma membrane in endothelial cell mechanosensation of shear stress Peter J. Butler and Shu Chien
4. Mechanotransduction by membrane mediated activation of G protein coupled receptors and G proteins Yan-Liang Zhang, John A. Frangos and Mirianas Chachisvilis
5. Cellular mechanotransduction
interactions with the extracellular matrix Andrew D. Doyle and Kenneth M. Yamada
6. Role of ion channels in cellular mechanotransduction
lessons from the vascular endothelium Abdul I. Barakat and Andrea Gojova
7. Towards a modular analysis of cell mechano-sensing and transduction
an operations manual for cell mechanics Benjamin J. Dubin-Thaler and Michael P. Sheetz
8. Tensegrity as a mechanism for integrating molecular and cellular mechanotransduction mechanisms Donald E. Ingber
9. Nuclear mechanics and mechanotransduction Shinji Deguchi and Masaaki Sato
10. Microtubule bending and breaking in cellular mechanotransduction Andrew D. Bicek, Dominique Seetapun, and David J. Odde
11. A molecular perspective on mechanotransduction in focal adhesions Seung E. Lee, Roger D. Kamm and Mohammad R. K. Mofrad
12. Protein conformational change
a molecular basis of mechanotransduction Gang Bao
13. Translating mechanical force into discrete biochemical signal changes
multimodularity imposes unique properties to mechanotransductive proteins Vesa P. Hytönen, Michael L. Smith and Viola Vogel
14. Mechanotransduction through local autocrine signaling Nikola Kojic and Daniel J. Tschumperlin
15. The interaction between fluid-wall shear stress and solid circumferential strain affects endothelial cell mechanobiology John M. Tarbell
16. Micro- and nanoscale force techniques for mechanotransduction Nathan J. Sniadecki, Wesley R. Legant and Christopher S. Chen
17. Mechanical regulation of stem cells
implications in tissue remodeling Kyle Kurpinski, Randall R. R. Janairo, Shu Chien and Song Li
18. Mechanotransduction
role of nuclear pore mechanics and nucleocytoplasmic transport Christopher B. Wolf and Mohammad R. K. Mofrad
19. Summary and outlook Mohammad R. K. Mofrad and Roger D. Kamm.