001: Composite Materials in Maritime Structures: Volume 1, Fundamental Aspects: Fundamental Aspects v. 1 (Cambridge Ocean Technology Series)

001: Composite Materials in Maritime Structures: Volume 1, Fundamental Aspects: Fundamental Aspects v. 1 (Cambridge Ocean Technology Series)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: First Edition, First Printing, 6/10/1993
EAN 9780521451536, ISBN10: 0521451531

Hardcover, 368 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.4 cm
Language: English

The two volumes that comprise this work provide a comprehensive guide and source book on the marine use of composite materials. This first volume, Fundamental Aspects, provides a rigourous development of theory. Areas covered include materials science, environmental aspects, production technology, structural analysis and the role of standard test procedures. These volumes will provide an introduction to this important and fast-growing area for students and researchers in naval architecture and maritime engineering. It will also be of value to practising engineers as a comprehensive reference book.

List of authors
1. A Strategic Overview P. J. Usher
2. Background to Materials Science G. Niederstadt
3. Environmental Aspects G. Puccini
4. Production by Resin Transfer Moulding K. van Harten
5. An Engineering Approach to the Prediction of Elastic Properties of a Laminate R. A. Shenoi
6. Mechanics of Orthotrophic Laminae A. H. J. Nijhof
7. Analysis of Laminated Composites A. H. J. Nijhof
8. Theory of Sandwich Beams and Plates H. G. Allen
9. Design of Anistrophic Panels D. W. Chalmers
10. Finite Element Analysis of Composites R. Damonte
11. Theoretical Predictions of Failure Mechanisms and Strength P. T. Curtis
12. Considerations of Failure Theories in Design D. W. Chalmers
13. Test Procedures and Standards G. D. Sims