Cosmic Perspectives

Cosmic Perspectives

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 9/14/1989
EAN 9780521343541, ISBN10: 0521343542

Hardcover, 270 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Modern cosmology and its relationship to the development of human civilization is the subject of this book. Astronomers, cosmologists and historians have contributed fourteen essays covering a wide range of subjects. These include the place of astronomy in China by Joseph Needham, frontiers in cosmology by Fred Hoyle, the dark matter problem by Bernard Carr and the origin of life by Cyril Ponnamperuma. There are also contributions on astrology, science fiction and science. The collection as a whole is an engaging selection of modern astronomy. All the chapters are written at a level suitable for general readership.

1. Astronomy in ancient and medieval China Joseph Needham
2. Indian astronomy
an historical perspective B. V. Subbarayappa
3. Making of astronomy in ancient India Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya
4. The impact of astronomy on the development of western science Jean-Claude Pecker
5. Man and the Universe Hubert Reeves
6. Understanding the Universe - challenges and directions in modern observational astronomy Harlan Smith, Jr
7. Frontiers in cosmology Fred Hoyle
8. Did the Universe originate in a big bang? Jayant Narlikar
9. The dark matter problem Bernard Carr
10. Geometry and the Universe C. V. Vishveshwara
11. The origin and evolution of life Cyril Ponnamperuma
12. The anthropic principle
self selection as an adjunct to natural selection Brandon Carter
13. Astrology and science
an examination of the evidence Ivan Kelly, Roger Culver and Peter Loptson
14. Astronomy and science fiction Allen Janis.