Event Representation in Language and Cognition: 11 (Language Culture and Cognition, Series Number 11)

Event Representation in Language and Cognition: 11 (Language Culture and Cognition, Series Number 11)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 12/23/2010
EAN 9780521898348, ISBN10: 052189834X

Hardcover, 296 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Event Representation in Language and Cognition examines new research into how the mind deals with the experience of events. Empirical research into the cognitive processes involved when people view events and talk about them is still a young field. The chapters by leading experts draw on data from the description of events in spoken and signed languages, first and second language acquisition, co-speech gesture and eye movements during language production, and from non-linguistic categorization and other tasks. The book highlights newly found evidence for how perception, thought, and language constrain each other in the experience of events. It will be of particular interest to linguists, psychologists, and philosophers, as well as to anyone interested in the representation and processing of events.

1. On representing events Eric Pederson and Jürgen Bohnemeyer
2. Event representation in serial verb constructions Andrew Pawley
3. The macro-event property
the segmentation of causal chains Jürgen Bohnemeyer, Nick Enfield, James Essegbey and Sotaro Kita
4. Event representation, time event relations and clause structure
a cross linguistic study of English and German Mary Carroll and Christiane von Stutterheim
5. Event representations in signed languages Aslı Özyürek and Pamela Perniss
6. Linguistic and non-linguistic categorization of complex motion events Jeff Loucks and Eric Pederson
7. Putting things in places
developmental consequences of linguistic typology Dan I. Slobin, Melissa Bowerman, Penelope Brown, Sonja Eisenbeiß and Bhuvana Narasimhan
8. Language-specific encoding of placement events in gestures Marianne Gullberg
9. Visual encoding of coherent and non-coherent scenes Christian Dobel, Reinhild Glanemann, Helene Kreysa, Pienie Zwitserlood and Sonja Eisenbeiß
10. Talking about events Barbara Tversky, Jeffrey M. Zacks, Julie Bauer Morrison and Bridgette Martin Hard
11. Absent causes, present effects
how omissions cause events Phillip Wolff, Matthew Hausknecht and Kevin Holmes.