Excavations in Jerusalem 1961-1967: Settlement in the Bronze and Iron Ages v. 3 (Copenhagen International Seminar/JSOT Supplement)

Excavations in Jerusalem 1961-1967: Settlement in the Bronze and Iron Ages v. 3 (Copenhagen International Seminar/JSOT Supplement)

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M. L. Steiner
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd., 2001-12-01
EAN 9781841272146, ISBN10: 1841272140

Hardcover, 220 pages, 30.8 x 22 x 1.5 cm
Language: English

This is a final report of a large part of Dame Kathleen Kenyon's excavations in Jerusalem, presenting the Bronze and Iron Age material. But data from subsequent excavations has also been used in the reconstruction of the occupational history of the site. This publication is the last volume to appear (the author published Part II with H.J. Franken in 1990) of Dame Kathleen Kenyon's excavations in Jerusalem, presenting the Bronze and Iron Age material. It contains a stratigraphical analysis of the architectural remains, a study of the pottery and an interpretation of the results. Moreover, since this excavation was more than 30 years ago and many later excavations have been conducted in the city, not only Kenyon's results but also data from earlier and later excavations (as far as published) have been used to trace the occupational history of the site.