Feedback in Second Language Writing: Contexts and Issues (Cambridge Applied Linguistics)

Feedback in Second Language Writing: Contexts and Issues (Cambridge Applied Linguistics)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 7/4/2019
EAN 9781108425070, ISBN10: 1108425070

Hardcover, 328 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.9 cm
Language: English

Now in its second edition, this volume provides an up to date, accessible, yet authoritative introduction to feedback on second language writing for upper undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers and researchers in TESOL, applied linguistics, composition studies and English for academic purposes (EAP). Chapters written by leading experts emphasise the potential that feedback has for helping to create a supportive teaching environment, for conveying and modelling ideas about good writing, for developing the ways students talk about writing, and for mediating the relationship between students' wider cultural and social worlds and their growing familiarity with new literacy practices. In addition to updated chapters from the first edition, this edition includes new chapters which focus on new and developing areas of feedback research including student engagement and participation with feedback, the links between SLA and feedback research, automated computer feedback and the use by students of internet resources and social media as feedback resources.

Introduction. 1. Contexts and issues in feedback on L2 writing
setting the scene Ken Hyland and Fiona Hyland
Part I. Situating Feedback
Socio-cultural Dimensions
2. Sociocultural theory
a framework for understanding socio-cognitive dimensions of peer feedback Olga S. Villamil and Maria C. M. de Guerrero
3. Culture and peer feedback Guangwei Hu
4. Appropriation, ownership, and agency
negotiating teacher feedback in academic settings Christine M. Tardy
Part II. Shaping Feedback
Delivery and Focus Dimensions
5. The intersection between SLA and feedback research John Bitchener
6. Does error feedback help L2 writers? Latest evidence on the efficacy of written corrective feedback Dana Ferris and Kendon Kerzer
7. Electronic resources for feedback Marie Stevenson and Aik Phakiti
8. Collaborative writing as peer feedback Neomy Storch
Part III. Negotiating Feedback
Interpersonal and Interactional Dimensions
9. Interpersonal aspects of response
constructing and interpreting teacher written feedback Ken Hyland and Fiona Hyland
10. Fostering formative online forums
feedback, dialogue and disciplinarity Ann Hewings and Caroline Coffin
11. Supervisory feedback
building writing scaffolds with doctoral students Sue Starfield
12. Reviewers' feedback on second language writers' submissions to academic journals Brian Paltridge
Part IV. Engaging with Feedback
Student Participation Dimensions
13. Learner engagement with written feedback from a socio-cognitive perspective Ye Han and Fiona Hyland
14. What messages do students take from teacher feedback? Ken Hyland
15. Students initiating feedback
the potential of social media Soobin Yim and Mark Warschaeur