Feeling Hurt in Close Relationships (Advances in Personal Relationships)

Feeling Hurt in Close Relationships (Advances in Personal Relationships)

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Cambridge University Press, 7/31/2009
EAN 9780521866903, ISBN10: 0521866901

Hardcover, 548 pages, 23.5 x 15.8 x 4 cm
Language: English

Feeling Hurt in Close Relationships presents a synthesis of cutting-edge research and theory on hurt. Being hurt is an inevitable part of close relationships. What varies from relationship to relationship is not whether partners hurt each other, but how their relationship is affected by hurtful episodes. Given the potential influence of hurt feelings on people's interpersonal relationships, it is not surprising that scholars have begun to study the antecedents, processes, and outcomes associated with hurt. This collection integrates the various issues addressed by researchers, theorists, and practitioners who study the causes of hurt feelings, the interpersonal events associated with hurt, and the ways people respond to hurting and being hurt by others. To capture the breadth and depth of the literature in this area, the work of scholars from a variety of disciplines – including social psychology, communication, sociology, and family studies – is highlighted.

Part I. Introduction
1. Hurt feelings
forms, functions, and overview Anita L. Vangelisti
Part II. Conceptualizing Hurt
2. The nature of hurt feelings
emotional experience and cognitive appraisals Mark Leary and Sadie Leder
3. Thinking the unthinkable
cognitive appraisals and hurt feelings Julie Fitness and Wayne Warburton
4. Adding insult to injury
the contributions of politeness theory to understanding hurt feelings in close relationships Daena Goldsmith and Erin Donovan-Kicken
5. Rejection sensitivity
a model of how individual difference factors affect the experience of hurt feelings in conflict and support N. Jan Kang, Geraldine Downey, Masumi Iida and Sylvia Rodriguez
6. Understanding and altering hurt feelings
an attachment-theoretical perspective on the generation and regulation of emotions Phillip R. Shaver, Mario Mikulincer, Shiri Lavy and Jude Cassidy
Part III. Hurtful Acts
7. Rejection
resolving the paradox of emotional numbness C. Nathan DeWall, Roy Baumeister and E. J. Masicampo
8. Conflict and hurt in close relationships John P. Caughlin, Allison M. Scott and Laura E. Miller
9. When the truth hurts
deception in the name of kindness Bella M. DePaulo, Wendy L. Morris and R. Weylin Sternglanz
10. Affairs and infidelity Graham Allan and Kaeren Harrison
11. Aggression, violence, and hurt in close relationships Brian H. Spitzberg
Part IV. Hurt in Relational Contexts
12. Aggression and victimization in children's peer groups
a relationship perspective Noel A. Card, Jenny Isaacs and Ernest V. E. Hodges
13. Haven in a heartless world? Hurt feelings in the family Rosemary Mills and Caroline C. Piotrowski
14. Hurt feelings in adult friendships Beverley Fehr and Cheryl Harasymchuk
15. When love hurts
understanding hurtful events in couple relationships Judith A. Feeney
16. Hurt in postdivorce relationships Sandra Metts, Dawn O. Braithwaite and Mark A. Fine
Part V. Hurt in Applied Contexts
17. The physiology of feeling hurt Timothy J. Loving, Benjamin Le and Erin Crockett
18. Hurt and psychological health in close relationships Scott R. Braithwaite, Frank D. Fincham and Nathaniel M. Lambert
19. Technology and hurt in close relationships Monica Whitty
20. Hurt feelings and the workplace Michael R. Cunningham, Anita P. Barbee and Eshita Mandal
21. Cultural influences on the causes and experience of hurt feelings Robin Kowalski
22. Hurt feelings
the last taboo for researchers and clinicians? Luciano L'Abate.