Filamentous Fungi (Living Resources for Biotechnology)

Filamentous Fungi (Living Resources for Biotechnology)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: First Edition, 9/22/1988
EAN 9780521352260, ISBN10: 0521352266

Hardcover, 224 pages, 23.6 x 16 x 2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This volume is an international compilation for biotechnologists of data on the location and use of filamentous fungi. The volume provides details of the location and scope of major culture collections around the world holding fungi; information on how to access their data, administration and safety, identification, culture and media recipes, preservation, patents, specialist services and international organization. The authors are international authorities who have combined with the resource centres to provide a source book for mycologists in industry, research establishments and universities.

Series introduction
1. Resource centres D. L. Hawksworth
2. Information resources M. I. Krichevsky, B.-O. Fabricius and H. Sugawara
3. Administration and safety D. L. Hawksworth and K. Allner
4. Culture and preservation D. Smith
5. Identification D. L. Hawksworth
6. Patent protection for biotechnological inventions I. J. Bousfield
7. Culture collection services D. Allsopp and F. P. Simione
8. Organisation of resource centres B. E. Kirsop and E. J. DaSilva
media A. H. S. Onions and J. I. Pitt