Genetic Manipulation of Receptor Expression and Function: 25 (Receptor Biochemistry and Methodology)

Genetic Manipulation of Receptor Expression and Function: 25 (Receptor Biochemistry and Methodology)

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Wiley-Liss, 2000-04-22
EAN 9780471350576, ISBN10: 0471350575

Hardcover, 256 pages, 25.9 x 18.1 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Our ability to manipulate the genome of living organisms for the elucidation of gene function in vivo has improved dramatically over the last decade. Genetic Manipulation of Receptor Expression and Function provides a comprehensive review of the principles and applications for genetic manipulation of receptor expression and function. By providing the necessary conceptual framework of transgenic and knockout technologies, Genetic Manipulation of Receptor Expression and Function offers a concise and easily accessible analysis for researchers. The material reviews the numerous advances in the field of transgenic technology allowing researchers to alter expression and function in the mouse genome.

This volume also:

  • Provides a roadmap to transgenic and knockout methodology
  • Includes a detailed explanation of the differences between embryonic stem cells and fertilized zygotes
  • Clarifies the use of a DNA construct to make a transgenic mouse and a targeting vector for a knockout
  • Reviews the considerable progress in receptor research
  • Covers rapidly changing aspects in transgenic mouse technology (such as the generation of transgenic mice using large DNA fragments, the role of modifier genes, the importance of behavioral testing in analyzing disease phenotypes, and the growing role of antisense techniques in studies of gene function)

Receptor biochemists, neuroscientists, molecular biologists, cell biologists, and molecular geneticists will find Genetic Manipulation of Receptor Expression and Function a useful guide.

"Geneticists and molecular biologists provide a conceptual framework of transgenic and knockout technologies, reviewing a variety of modern advances in the field..." (SciTech Book News, Vol. 24, No. 4, December 2000)

"...an exhaustive description of the different technologies...provides useful and specific information and possible applications to this field..." (Cell Biology International)