Good Citizenship in America

Good Citizenship in America

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David M. Ricci
Cambridge University Press, 7/19/2004
EAN 9780521543705, ISBN10: 0521543703

Paperback, 320 pages, 22.9 x 15.3 x 2 cm
Language: English

Good Citizenship in America describes a civic ideal of who enjoys membership in the state and what obligations that entails, and traces its history in America. Until 1865, this ideal called for virtuous political behavior (republicanism) but extended the franchise beyond early republican expectations (democracy). The book follows the widening of the franchise to women and people of color and to those with little or no property following economic development post 1865. In the twentieth century, the civic ideal was influenced by the increase of consumerism, its peak after World War II, and its subsequent decline. More recent citizenship, informed by environmental problems and growing global Darwinism, places a bigger and bigger emphasis on the 'economic conscience'. This is an easily accessible analysis of civic trends in America, and one that highlights much of what is decent in American life.

Part I. Origins
1. The concept of citizenship
2. Early civic ideas
Part II. American Exceptionalism
3. The republican movement
4. The democratic movement
5. The challenge to good citizenship
Part III. The Modern Economy
6. The rise of consumerism
7. The costs of consumerism
Part IV. Good Citizenship
8. Constructive thinking
9. The primacy of politics
Part V. End Notes.