International and Comparative Criminal Justice and Urban Governance: Convergence and Divergence in Global, National and Local Settings
Cambridge University Press, 6/2/2011
EAN 9780521116442, ISBN10: 0521116449
Hardcover, 634 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.5 cm
Language: English
Criminal justice has traditionally been associated with the nation state, its legitimacy and its authority. The growing internationalisation of crime control raises crucial and complex questions about the future shape of justice and urban governance as these are experienced at local, national and international realms. The emergence of new international justice institutions such as the International Criminal Court, the greater movement of people and goods across national borders and the transfer of criminal justice policies between different jurisdictions all present novel challenges to criminal justice systems as well as our understandings of criminal justice. This volume of essays explores the implications and impact of criminal justice developments in an increasingly globalised world. It offers cutting-edge conceptual contributions from leading international commentators organised around the themes of international criminal justice institutions and practices; comparative penal policies; and international and comparative urban governance and crime control.
1. International and comparative criminal justice and urban governance Adam Crawford
Part I. International Criminal Justice and Global Governance
2. Unintended justice
the United Nations Security Council and international criminal governance James Cockayne
3. The International Criminal Court and the state of the American exception Jason Ralph
4. Universal crimes, universal justice?
The legitimacy of the international response to genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes Chrisje Brants
5. Locating victim communities within global justice and governance Mark Findlay
6. Dealing with war crimes in Bosnia
retributive and restorative options through the eyes of the population Stephan Parmentier, Marta Valiñas and Elmar Weitekamp
7. Shaping penal policy from above? The role of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights Dirk van Zyl Smit and Sonja Snacken
Part II. Comparative Penal Policies
8. Penal comparisons
puzzling relations Michael Cavadino and James Dignan
9. Why globalisation doesn't spell convergence
models of institutional variation and the comparative political economy of punishment Nicola Lacey
10. Penal excess and penal exceptionalism
welfare and imprisonment in Anglophone and Scandinavian societies John Pratt
11. The impact of multi-level governance on crime control and punishment Lesley McAra
12. Explaining Canada's imprisonment rate
the inadequacy of simple explanations Cheryl Marie Webster and Anthony N. Doob
13. US youth justice policy transfer in Canada
we'll take the symbols but not the substance Jane B. Sprott
14. Liberty, equality and justice
democratic culture and punishment Susanne Karstedt
Part III. Comparative Crime Control and Urban Governance
15. Victimhood of the national?
Denationalizing sovereignty in crime control Katja Franko Aas
16. Cosmopolitan liberty in the age of terrorism Clive Walker
17. Restorative justice and states' uneasy relationship with their publics Joanna Shapland
18. Governing nodal governance
the 'anchoring' of local security networks Hans Boutellier and Ronald van Steden
19. From the shopping mall to the street corner
dynamics of exclusion in the governance of public space Adam Crawford
20. Gating as governance
the boundaries spectrum in social and situational crime prevention Sarah Blandy
21. French perspectives on threats to peace and local social order Sophie Body-Gendrot
22. The question of scale in urban criminology Mariana Valverdec.