Investigating Neurological Disease: Epidemiology for Clinical Neurology
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/30/2001
EAN 9780521000093, ISBN10: 0521000092
Paperback, 326 pages, 24.9 x 17.5 x 2 cm
Language: English
In the clinical neurosciences, decision-making becomes ever more complicated because of rapidly emerging new diagnostic tests and treatments and increasing demands from patients to participate in their management. This concise but wide-ranging handbook reviews the epidemiology of neurological disease and the treatment and prognosis of all major diseases of the nervous system. Part one offers essential guidance for clinicians to quantitative methods in research, including genetic epidemiology, decision analysis, meta-analysis, outcomes research and survival analysis, and thus provides a good understanding of the evidence underlying clinical management. The second part is devoted to individual neurological diseases, covering etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, interventions, and implications for clinical practice. With contributions from leading international authorities, this book is an invaluable guide to clinical decision-making for neurologists and others involved in the management of neurological disease.
Part I. Quantitative Methods in Clinical Neurology
1. Clinical research design
analytical studies Richard Mayeux
2. Genetic epidemiology in neurologic disease Ruth Ottman
3. Gene–environment interaction in neurologic disorders C. M. van Duijn
4. Analysis, reanalysis and meta-analysis in neurology Walter A. Rocca
5. Epidemiology for clinical neurology W. A. van Gool
6. Decision analysis in clinical neurology Diederik W. J. Dippel
7. Outcomes research in clinical neurology Mitchell S. V. Elkind and Ralph L. Sacco
8. Survival analysis in neurological disease John F. Kurtzke and Mitchell T. Wallin
9. The clinical trial in efficacy research in neurological diseases J. van Gijn and M. Vermeulen
Part II. Neurological Diseases
10. Cerebrovascular ischemic disease Philip A. Wolf
11. Vascular dementia Richard K. Chan and Vladimir Hachinski
12. Alzheimer's disease Ingmar Skoog and Kaj Blennow
13. Parkinson's disease Maarten C. de Rijk and Monique M. B. Breteler
14. Multiple sclerosis A. Alpérovitch
15. Myasthenia gravis Therese A. Treves
16. Guillain-Barré syndrome F. G. A. van der Meché and R. van Koningsveld
17. Encephalitis and meningitis Ettore Beghi
18. HIV infection Ned C. Sacktor, Gerald J. Dal Pan and Justin C. McArthur
19. Prion diseases Cornelia M. van Duijn
20. Neoplastic disease John F. Annegers
21. Cerebral palsy Karin B. Nelson
22. Migraine Ann I. Scher, Richard B. Lipton and Walter F. Stewart
'The book provides a novel approach to neurological thinking and the subtitle indicates a refreshing population-based approach to some of the difficult issues.' Doctors.net 'While this book is predominantly aimed at neurologists with an interest in epidemiology, it also serves as a useful overview of neurological diseases for clinicians or surgeons who may also be involved in the care of neurological patients. In particular, the first section of the book is a useful introductory guide for any clinician embarking on an epidemiological study and should be recommended reading.' British Journal of Neurosurgery