Literature and Heresy in the Age of Chaucer (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, Series Number 71)
Cambridge University Press, 7/31/2008
EAN 9780521887915, ISBN10: 0521887917
Hardcover, 322 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
After the late fourteenth century, English literature was fundamentally shaped by the heresy of John Wyclif and his followers. This study demonstrates how Geoffrey Chaucer, William Langland, John Clanvowe, Margery Kempe, Thomas Hoccleve and John Lydgate, far from eschewing Wycliffism out of fear of censorship or partisan distaste, viewed Wycliffite ideas as a distinctly new intellectual resource. Andrew Cole offers a complete historical account of the first official condemnation of Wycliffism – the Blackfriars council of 1382 - and the fullest study of 'lollardy' as a social and literary construct. Drawing on literary criticism, history, theology and law, he presents not only a fresh perspective on late medieval literature, but also an invaluable rethinking of the Wycliffite heresy. Literature and Heresy restores Wycliffism to its proper place as the most significant context for late medieval English writing, and thus for the origins of English literary history.
Part I. The Invention of Heresy
1. The Blackfriars Council, London, 1382
Part II. The Late Fourteenth Century
Canonizing Wycliffism
2. The invention of 'Lollardy'
William Langland
3. The reinvention of 'Lollardy'
William Langland and his contemporaries
4. Geoffrey Chaucer's Wycliffite text
Part III. The Early Fifteenth Century
Heretics and Eucharists
5. Thomas Hoccleve's heretics
6. John Lydgate's Eucharists
Part IV. Feeling Wycliffite
7. Margery Kempe's 'Lollard' affects
Part V. Epilogue
8. Heresy, Wycliffism and English literary history
Review of the hardback: 'Literature and Heresy in the Age of Chaucer is a wonderful synthesis of adroit and daring close readings with scrupulous historicizing. ... Cole persuades the reader of the importance of Wycliffism to English literary history through well-chosen and deftly analyzed examples. One of the book's greatest strengths is its vigorous, lucid prose - the style of an author who has the courage of his convictions. Literature and Heresy stimulates and provokes. It is a must-read not just for those interested in the orthodoxies and heterodoxies of the age, but for all concerned with the literary history of late medieval England.' Review of English Studies