Lung Cancer (Contemporary Issues in Cancer Imaging)

Lung Cancer (Contemporary Issues in Cancer Imaging)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 12/21/2006
EAN 9780521872027, ISBN10: 0521872022

Hardcover, 166 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 1.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Despite the world-wide drive to increase awareness of the risks of smoking, lung cancer remains a global problem. A multidisciplinary team approach is now considered the most effective way to manage lung cancer. Imaging plays a central role in this multidisciplinary approach; this is reflected in the present volume. Individual chapters focus on imaging (including screening, diagnosis of symptomatic cases and staging), pathology and treatment options in lung cancer. Due to recent interest in the potential role of PET for a variety of malignancies, a separate chapter is devoted to this technique. Each volume in Contemporary Issues in Cancer Imaging is co-ordinated by an expert guest editor with contributions from all members of the multidisciplinary team, bringing together expertise from many specialities to promote the understanding and application of modern imaging in patient management.

1. Clinical considerations in lung cancer Pallav Shah
2. The pathology of lung cancer Sabine Pomplun
3. The imaging of lung cancer Sahz Jafri and S. J. Copley
4. Screening for lung cancer Thomas Hartman
5. The staging of lung cancer Zelena Aziz
6. Positron emission tomography in lung cancer D. J. R. Cook and T. B. Lynch
7. Contemporary issues in the systemic treatment of lung cancer Joseph Prendiville and Alistair Ring
8. Radiotherapy in lung cancer Shahreen Ahmad
9. Surgery for lung cancer Michael Marrinan and Andrew Chukwuemeka.

'... I would recommend it as a quick and easy update. ... readily digestable ...' Clinical Radiology