Making Sense of Heritability (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)

Making Sense of Heritability (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)

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Neven Sesardic
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 10/13/2005
EAN 9780521828185, ISBN10: 052182818X

Hardcover, 282 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.9 cm
Language: English

In this book, Neven Sesardic defends the view that it is both possible and useful to measure the separate contributions of heredity and environment to the explanation of human psychological differences. He critically examines the view - very widely accepted by scientists, social scientists and philosophers of science - that heritability estimates have no causal implications and are devoid of any interest. In a series of clearly written chapters he introduces the reader to the problems and subjects the arguments to close philosophical scrutiny. His conclusion is that anti-heritability arguments are based on conceptual confusions and misunderstandings of behavioural genetics. His book is a fresh and compelling intervention in a very contentious debate.

1. The nature-nurture debate
a premature burial?
2. A tangle of interactions
separating genetic and environmental influences
3. Lost in correlations? Direct and indirect genetic causes
4. From individuals to groups
genetics and race
5. Genes and malleability
6. Science and sensitivity
7. Conclusions.