Measuring Justice: Quantitative Accountability and the National Prosecuting Authority in South Africa (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)

Measuring Justice: Quantitative Accountability and the National Prosecuting Authority in South Africa (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)

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Johanna Mugler
Cambridge University Press, 6/27/2019
EAN 9781108475112, ISBN10: 1108475116

Hardcover, 216 pages, 23.1 x 14.7 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Measuring Justice explores the ways in which South African court and managerial prosecutors deal with the quantification of social phenomena - such as justice, professional work or accountability - and address the radical simplifications of their inherent complexities, misrepresentations and editing as a consequence. While various studies show the concern of professionals about the damaging effects these quantitative forms of accountability have on the creativity, freedom and collaborative nature of expert systems, Mugler shows that the reactions and attitudes of these legal professionals differ substantially. Through careful scrutiny of the everyday work of prosecutors and how they reflect on the relationship between accountability, quantification and law, this book argues that actors who work daily with quantitative accountability measures develop a numerical reflexivity about the process.

1. From apartheid administrators to lawyers of the people
a history of accountability inside the South African Prosecution Authority (1948–2018)
2. Ethnographic research in a multi-local organisation
access, challenges and methods
3. Stats talk' and alternative expressions of accountability
NPA lower court prosecutors at work
4. No fear of numbers
reactivity and the political economy of NPA performance measurement
5. At the top of the NPA
managing with numbers and numerical reflexivity
6. Lies, damned lies and statistics
making sense of misleading or imperfect NPA conviction rates.