Methodological Foundations of Macroeconomics: Keynes and Lucas

Methodological Foundations of Macroeconomics: Keynes and Lucas

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Allessandro Vercelli
Cambridge University Press, 9/26/1991
EAN 9780521392945, ISBN10: 0521392942

Hardcover, 288 pages, 23.6 x 15.6 x 2.2 cm
Language: English

This book is an investigation of the methodological and epistemological foundations of macroeconomic theory, based on an examination of the theories of Keynes and Lucas. It is divided into two parts. In the first Professor Vercelli discusses the methodological issues which lie behind the conflict among different schools of thought in macroeconomics (equilibrium and disequilibrium, risk and uncertainty, rationality and causality). These issues are central to the current debate not only in many branches of economics, but also in other scientific disciplines. The traditional point of view of science based on equilibrium, stability and determinism has been increasingly challenged by a new point of view in which disequilibrium, instability and uncertainty play a crucial role. This, the author argues, is bound to put macroeconomics in a new, more promising position. In the second part of the book the author compares the two main alternative research programmes in macroeconomics: that outlined by Keynes in his 'General Theory', and that suggested by Lucas, the leader of the new classical economists.

1. Introduction
Part I. Methodological Foundations Of Macroeconomics
2. Equilibrium, disequilibrium and economic theory
3. Dynamic instability and economic models
4. Structural instability and economic change
5. Uncertainty, predictability and flexibility
6. Rationality and expectations
7. Probabilistic causality and economic analysis
Suppes, Keynes, Granger
Part II. Keynes After Lucas
8. Lucas's scientific paradigm
9. Lucas's heuristic model
10. The real equilibrium business cycle and Lucas's attempt at a synthesis
11. Keynes's heuristic model
general observations
12. Money and production in Schumpeter and Keynes
Two dichotomies
13. Keynes's heuristic model
methodological aspects
14. Conclusions