Models of Care in Maternity Services

Models of Care in Maternity Services

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Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 11/1/2010
EAN 9781906985387, ISBN10: 1906985383

Paperback, 239 pages, 23.4 x 15.5 x 1.5 cm
Language: English

This book helps all those working in maternity services to improve the quality of the care they offer. Improvement is driven by clinical effectiveness and increasing patient demands, and for each area of practice described this book outlines the service organisation needed to achieve this improvement. The goal is to help clinicians take responsibility for developing services that meet the needs of their patients as well as managing their individual medical conditions. The book demonstrates that much can be achieved within current resources and without major additional expense. Different approaches are demonstrated, but the key issue is the patient pathway. Trainees, clinicians, managers and commissioners of services will find this book of practical value. There should be a copy on the shelves of every hospital obstetric unit.

1. Setting the scene Sabaratnam Arulkumaran and Tahir Mahmood
2. Developing and implementing a local maternity services strategy
the clinical director's role David Churchill and Tahir Mahmood
3. Prepregnancy services for women with social needs Mary Hepburn and Kirstyn Brogan
4. Access to early pregnancy care Caroline Overton and Tahir Mahmood
5. Antenatal fetal abnormality screening Donna Kirwan and Alan Cameron
6. Antenatal care for low-risk pregnancy Suzanne Truttero
7. Antenatal care for women with pre-existing medical, obstetric or mental health conditions Jessica Moore and Baskaran Thilaganathan
8. Antenatal care for women developing medical or obstetric problems during pregnancy Roshni Patel and Philip Owen
9. Managing risk in antenatal care Helen Scholefield and Walaá Al-Safi
10. Intrapartum care for women assessed as low risk in labour Mervi Jokinen
11. Intrapartum care for high-risk pregnancies Sailesh Kumar
12. Obesity in pregnancy Jo Modder
13. Prevention of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy Osric Navti and Justin Konje
14. Risk management on the labour ward Sonia Barnfield and Tim Draycott
15. Place of birth Leroy Edozien and Heather Mellows
16. High-risk pregnancy and neonatal services Corelia Hagmann and Jane Hawdon
17. Anaesthesia service provision for maternity services Vishal Uppal and Elizabeth McGrady
18. Postnatal care Rachel Liebling and Timothy Overton
19. Supporting families who experience adverse outcomes during pregnancy Judith Schott, Alix Henley and Gordon Smith
20. The maternity dashboard Edward Morris
21. Commissioning for regional maternity services
an example from the East of England Lyn McIntyre and Boon H. Lim
22. Key indicators Tahir Mahmood and Charnjit Dhillon