Open Economies: Structural Adjustment and Agriculture

Open Economies: Structural Adjustment and Agriculture

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Cambridge University Press, 5/28/1992
EAN 9780521420563, ISBN10: 0521420563

Hardcover, 344 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.4 cm
Language: English

The interaction between macroeconomic and agricultural sector reforms is of vital importance to developing and East European economies, whose agricultural sectors account for major shares of economic activity and income. Derived from a conference organised jointly by the Centre for Economic Policy Research and the OECD Development Centre, the papers in this volume adopt an open economy perspective to reform, and throw light on the sequencing of reforms in the context of structural adjustment and 'intersectoral imbalance'. Leading international figures examine the stabilisation of agricultural prices and income, the public finance dimensions of agricultural reform, and the prospects for policies of liberalisation and trade reform currently being adopted in many developing and East European countries.

List of figures
List of tables
Preface Louis Emmerij and Richard Portes
List of conference participants
1. Introduction
from macro to maize Ian Goldin and L. Alan Winters
Part I. Open Economy Analysis
2. Sequencing and welfare
labour markets and agriculture Sebastian Edwards
3. Agricultural adjustment and the Mexico-USA free trade agreement Santiago Levy and Sweder Van Wijnbergen
4. Do the benefits of fixed exchange rates outweigh their costs? The CFA Zone in Africa Shantayanan Devarajan and Dani Rodrik
5. Adjustment and the rural sector
a counterfactual analysis of Morocco Francois Bourguignon, Christian Morrisson and Akito Suwa
Part II. The Small Country Assumption and Trade Reform
6. Exchange reforms, supply response and inflation in Africa Ajay Chhibber
7. Taxes versus quotas
the case of cocoa exports Arvind Panagariya and Maurice Schiff
8. Trade reform an the small country assumption David Evans, Ian Golden, and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Part III. Risk and Adjustment
9. Markets, stabilisation and structural adjustment in Eastern European agriculture Ronald W. Anderson and Andrew Powell
10. Should marketing boards stabilise prices through forward purchases? Christopher L. Gilbert
Part IV. Government's Role
11. Infrastructure, relative prices and agricultural adjustment Riccardo Faini
12. Structural factors and tax revenue in developing countries
a decade of evidence Vito Tanzi
13. International dimensions of the political economy of distortionary price and trade policies Kym Anderson