Philosophy of Action (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements)

Philosophy of Action (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements)

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Edited by Anthony O'Hear
Cambridge University Press, 8/24/2017
EAN 9781108414890, ISBN10: 1108414893

Paperback, 300 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 1.2 cm
Language: English

Philosophy of Action is based on the lectures given in the Royal Institute of Philosophy's annual London lecture series 2015–16. This volume brings together an internationally distinguished team of lecturers. As befits the theme itself, a wide range of topics relating to action are covered. These include the nature of action itself and its relation to knowledge-how. There are a number of papers on issues relating to freedom and responsibility, and also to the relation between action and causation. Other papers consider the notion of planning in relation to agency, and the connection between agency and practical abilities. And there are also considerations of virtue and ethical concepts as applied to the notion of action. The papers collected here will testify to the liveliness of discussions of action in contemporary philosophy, and will also demonstrate the way many ancient conceptions of action are being developed in contemporary philosophical thought.

1. The scope of intention
action, conduct, and responsibility Robert Audi
2. Rational planning agency Michael E. Bratman
3. Two libertarian theories
or why event-causal libertarians should prefer my daring libertarian view to Robert Kane's view Alfred R. Mele
4. Are character traits dispositions? Maria Alvarez
5. Knowledge how in philosophy of action Jennifer Hornsby
6. The doing and the deed
action in normative ethics Constantine Sandis
7. Prichard on causing a change Jonathan Dancy
8. Motor skill and moral virtue Ellen Fridland
9. Forms of rational agency Douglas Lavin
10. Action as downward causation Helen Steward
11. The representation of action Anton Ford
12. Agency and practical abilities Will Small
13. Actions as prime Lucy O'Brien.