Planning, Politics and Public Policy: The British, French and Italian Experience

Planning, Politics and Public Policy: The British, French and Italian Experience

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Jack Hayward
Cambridge University Press, 6/1/2009
EAN 9780521108164, ISBN10: 0521108160

Paperback, 512 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.3 cm
Language: English

The theme of this collection of essays is the interrelationship between planning conceived as a technique of public economic policy-making and the working of political and administrative institutions in three West European states after the early 1960s. The emphasis is on the impact of the attempts to plan upon political and administrative relationships at national and regional levels and the constraints that they in turn imposed upon planning. An overall judgement is made on the aptitudes of the three countries for planning and on the implications for contemporary capitalism within liberal democracies.

List of contributors
change and choice
the agenda of planning Jack Hayward
Part I. The National Context
1. France Yves Ullmo
2. Britain Trevor Smith
3. Italy Gianfranco Pasquino and Umberto Pecchini
Part II. Industrial Policy
4. Planning and industry in France Jean-Jacques Bonnaud
5. Industrial planning in Britain Trevor Smith
6. Italian industrial policy in the framework of economic planning Gioachino Fraenkel
7. A comparison of the industrial experiences Stephen Young
Part III. Employment and Incomes
Comparative preliminaries Jack Hayward and John Corina
8. Planning and the French labour market
incomes and industrial training Jack Hayward
9. Planning and the British labour market
incomes and manpower policy, 1965–70 John Corina
10. Incomes and employment policies in Italian economic planning Isidoro Franco Mariani
Comparative conclusions Jack Hayward
Part IV. The Regional Dimension
11. The French regional planning experiments Pierre Gremion and Jean-Pierre Worms
12. Regional planning in Britain Maurice Wright and Stephen Young
13. Regional planning in Italy Valerio Selan and Rosita Donnini
14. The regional dimension of planning Michael Watson
Part V. Land-use Policy
15. Urban planning in France Francois d'Arcy and Bruno Jobert
16. Innovation and change in British land-use planning Jim Sharpe
17. Land-use planning in Italy Attilio Bastianini and Giuliano Urbani
18. Urban planning and political institutions
an essay in comparison Bruno Jobert
Part VI
19. Transport policy Jean Claude Theonig and Nigel Despicht
Part VII
20. The use of long-term studies in planning Bernard Cazes
21. Planning as the regulatory reproduction of the status quo Lucien Nizard
A comparative evaluation of planning practice in the liberal democratic state Michael Watson
General bibliography