Probability: A Lively Introduction

Probability: A Lively Introduction

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Henk Tijms
Cambridge University Press, 10/19/2017
EAN 9781108418744, ISBN10: 1108418740

Hardcover, 544 pages, 23.6 x 15.7 x 2.8 cm
Language: English

Probability has applications in many areas of modern science, not to mention in our daily life. Its importance as a mathematical discipline cannot be overrated, and it is a fascinating and surprising topic in its own right. This engaging textbook with its easy-to-follow writing style provides a comprehensive yet concise introduction to the subject. It covers all of the standard material for undergraduate and first-year-graduate-level courses as well as many topics that are usually not found in standard texts, such as Bayesian inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, and Chernoff bounds.

1. Foundations of probability theory
2. Conditional probability
3. Discrete random variables
4. Continuous random variables
5. Jointly distributed random variables
6. Multivariate normal distribution
7. Conditioning by random variables
8. Generating functions
9. Additional topics in probability
10. Discrete-time Markov chains
11. Continuous-time Markov chains.