Protectionism and World Welfare
Cambridge University Press, 9/23/1993
EAN 9780521414555, ISBN10: 0521414555
Hardcover, 464 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3 cm
Language: English
This volume addresses highly topical issues at a crucial time in international economic relations. The world has never been closer to dismantling the liberal multilateral trading system which has been painstakingly established and successfully operated since the Second World War. In this volume many of the world's most distinguished economists examine the movement toward protectionism, bilateralism, and regionalism, and its causes, effects, and possible solutions. The contributors are theorists, researchers, and advisors to governments and international organizations who are at the forefront of trade theory, policy, and practice, and whose analyses have a real impact on international trade. By collecting together these analyses in a single volume, this book provides a unique survey for students and scholars of economics, and all those concerned with trade theory and policy in business and government.
1. Protectionism and world welfare
introduction Dominick Salvatore
Part I. The New Protectionism
An Overview
2. Fair trade, reciprocity and harmonization
the novel challenge to the theory and policy of free trade Jagdish N. Bhagwati
3. The revival of protectionism in developed countries W. Max Corden
4. Changes in the global trading system
a response to shifts in national economic power Robert E. Baldwin
5. 'Fortress Europe' and retaliatory economic warfare Lawrence R. Klein and Pingfan Hong
Part II. Trade Theory, Industrial Policies and Protectionism
6. The changing structure of US trade William H. Branson
7. US response to foreign industrial policies Richard N. Cooper
8. The current case for industrial policy Paul R. Krugman
9. The case for bilateralism Rudiger W. Dornbusch
Part III. Exchange Rates and Protectionsim
10. Floating exchange rates and the new interblock protectionism
tariffs versus quotas Ronald I. McKinnon and K. C. Fung
11. The theory of tariffs and monetary policies Robert Mundell
12. Restrictions to foreign investment
a new form of protectionism Vito Tanzi and Isaias Coelho
13. The economics of content protection Michael Mussa
14. The relationship between exchange variability and protection George S. Tavlas, Joseph Ascheim, and Michael Ulan
Part IV. The New Protectionism in the World Economy
15. Trade protectionism and welfare in the United States Dominick Salvatore
16. Protectionism and growth of Japanese competitiveness Ryuzo Sato, Rama Ramachandran, and Shunichi Tsutsui
17. Commercial policies and protectionism in the European Community Norman Scott
18. Protectionism and the developing countries G. K. Helleiner
19. Trade liberalization
the New Eastern Europe in the global economy Jozef M. van Brabant.