Rational Intuition: Philosophical Roots, Scientific Investigations

Rational Intuition: Philosophical Roots, Scientific Investigations

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Cambridge University Press, 8/25/2014
EAN 9781107022393, ISBN10: 1107022398

Hardcover, 440 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

What is intuition? What constitutes an intuitive process? Why are intuition concepts important? After many years of scholarly neglect, interest in intuition is now exploding in psychology and cognitive science. Moreover, intuition is also enjoying a renaissance in philosophy. Yet no single definition of intuition appears in contemporary scholarship; there is no consensus on the meaning of this concept in any discipline. Rational Intuition focuses on conceptions of intuition in relation to rational processes. Covering a broad range of historical and contemporary contexts, prominent philosophers, psychologists, and cognitive scientists explore how intuition is implicated in rational activity in its diverse forms. In bringing the philosophical history of intuition into novel dialogue with contemporary philosophical and empirical research, Lisa M. Osbeck and Barbara S. Held invite a comparison of the conceptions and functions of intuition, thereby clarifying and advancing conceptual analysis across disciplines.

Introduction Lisa M. Osbeck and Barbara S. Held
Part I. Intuition in Western Philosophy
1. Intuition in Aristotle Robert Bolton
2. Ockham
intuition and knowledge Claude Panaccio
3. Descartes on intuition and ideas Peter Machamer and Marcus P. Adams
4. In a grain of sand
Spinoza's conception of intuition William Meehan
5. Kant
intuition and the synthetic a priori Daniel N. Robinson
6. Husserl's phenomenological theory of intuition Chad Kidd
7. Bergsonian intuition
getting back into duration Heath Massey
8. Intuition in mathematics Elijah Chudnoff
9. Intuition in contemporary philosophy Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa
Part II. Intuition in Psychology and Cognitive Science
10. Expert intuition Edward T. Cokely and Adam Feltz
11. Intuition in strategic thinking William Duggan
12. Intuition in Kahneman and Tversky's Psychology of Rationality Thomas Sturm
13. Creative intuition
how eureka results from three neural mechanisms Paul Thagard
14. Becoming knowledge
cognitive and neural mechanisms that support scientific intuition Sanjay Chandrasekharan
15. Intuition in twenty-first-century moral psychology Roger Giner-Sorolla
16. Intuitions in the study of language
syntax and semantics Peter Slezak
17. Jung and Whitehead
an interplay of psychological and philosophical perspectives on rationality and intuition Farzad Mahootian and Tara-Marie Linné.