Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century

Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 2/16/2012
EAN 9780521518246, ISBN10: 0521518245

Hardcover, 482 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

In the nineteenth century, Shakespeare achieved the status of international pre-eminence that we recognise today. He and his major characters were depicted in statues, paintings and illustrations, and in Stratford-upon-Avon the house where he was born was purchased for the nation and the first Memorial Theatre was built. His words were read, quoted and declaimed in domestic drawing rooms and theatres all around the world, as well as in the works of the leading writers of the day, in intimate love letters and in the pages of radical newspapers. As these new essays show, his was a voice that resonated tellingly throughout the century's cultural, political and literary arenas. The unique reference guide also shows just how popular he was in a number of London theatres and how integral a part he played in the publishing industry of the day and in the burgeoning field of literary criticism.

Introduction Gail Marshall
1. Shakespeare editions Christopher Decker
2. Shakespeare criticism Mark Hollingsworth
3. Shakespeare in the periodicals Kathryn Prince
4. Shakespeare our (nineteenth-century) contemporary Russell Jackson
5. Shakespeare and nineteenth-century fiction Gail Marshall
6. Shakespeare and nineteenth-century poetry Philip Shaw and Gail Marshall
7. Shakespeare and drama David Taylor
8. Shakespeare in London Russell Jackson
9. Shakespeare in the provinces Richard Foulkes
10. Shakespeare and music Julie Sanders
11. Women and Shakespeare Georgianna Ziegler
12. Shakespeare and politics William Greenslade
13. Shakespeare and commercialism Julia Thomas
14. Shakespeare and the visual arts Stuart Sillars
15. Shakespeare in Europe John Stokes
16. Shakespeare and Germany Frederick Burwick
17. Shakespeare in America's Gilded Age Virginia Mason Vaughan
Reference guide
performances of Shakespeare's plays in nineteenth-century London Janice Norwood
Nineteenth-century works about Shakespeare
criticism, editions, reference works, biographies, play publication by year Mark Hollingsworth