Shakespeare on Screen: King Lear

Shakespeare on Screen: King Lear

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Cambridge University Press, 9/26/2019
EAN 9781108426923, ISBN10: 1108426921

Hardcover, 274 pages, 23.9 x 17.2 x 2 cm
Language: English

The third volume in the re-launched series Shakespeare on Screen is devoted to film versions and adaptations of King Lear. Bringing together an international group of scholars, the chapters provide new insights and perspectives on what constitutes 'Learness' in a range of films, TV productions, translations, free retellings and appropriations from around the world. Taking 'screen' in its broader sense, it also covers digital material such as video archives, internet movies and YouTube videos. The volume features an invaluable film-bibliography and accompanying online resources include additional essays and an expanded version of the film-bibliography.

1. Introduction
dis-locating King Lear on screen Victoria Bladen, Sarah Hatchuel and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin
Part I. Surviving Lear
Revisiting the Canon
2. Lear's Fool on film
Peter Brook, Grigori Kozintsev, Akira Kurosawa Samuel Crowl
3. Wicked humans and weeping Buddhas
(post)humanism and Hell in Kurosawa's Ran Melissa Croteau
Part II. Lear en abyme
Metatheater and the Screen
4. Filming metatheater
the 'Dover cliff' scene on screen Sarah Hatchuel
5. New ways of looking at Lear
changing relationships between theatre, screen and audience in live broadcasts of King Lear (2011–2016) Rachael Nicholas
6. Re-shaping old course in a country new
producing nation, culture and King Lear in Slings and Arrows Lois Leveen
Part III. The Genres of Lear
7. Negotiating authorship, genre and race in King of Texas (2002) Pierre Kapitaniak
8. Romancing King Lear
Hobson's Choice, Life Goes On and beyond Diana E. Henderson
9. 'Easy Lear'
Harry and Tonto and the American road movie Douglas M. Lanier
Part IV. Lear on the Loose
Migrations and Appropriations of Lear
10. Relocating Jewish culture in The Yiddish King Lear (1934) Jacek Fabiszak
11. The Trump effect
exceptionalism, global capitalism and the war on women in early twenty-first century films of King Lear Courtney Lehmann
12. Looking for Lear in The Eye of the Storm Victoria Bladen
13. Between political drama and soap opera
appropriations of King Lear in US television series Boss and Empire Sylvaine Bataille and Anaïs Pauchet
14. Afterword
Godard's King Lear Peter Holland
15. King Lear on screen
select film-bibliography José Ramón Díaz Fernández.