The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics)

The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics)

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Cambridge University Press, 3/30/2017
EAN 9781107091955, ISBN10: 1107091950

Hardcover, 1026 pages, 24.7 x 17.4 x 4.8 cm
Language: English

Linguistic typology identifies both how languages vary and what they all have in common. This Handbook provides a state-of-the art survey of the aims and methods of linguistic typology, and the conclusions we can draw from them. Part I covers phonological typology, morphological typology, sociolinguistic typology and the relationships between typology, historical linguistics and grammaticalization. It also addresses typological features of mixed languages, creole languages, sign languages and secret languages. Part II features contributions on the typology of morphological processes, noun categorization devices, negation, frustrative modality, logophoricity, switch reference and motion events. Finally, Part III focuses on typological profiles of the mainland South Asia area, Australia, Quechuan and Aymaran, Eskimo-Aleut, Iroquoian, the Kampa subgroup of Arawak, Omotic, Semitic, Dravidian, the Oceanic subgroup of Austronesian and the Awuyu-Ndumut family (in West Papua). Uniting the expertise of a stellar selection of scholars, this Handbook highlights linguistic typology as a major discipline within the field of linguistics.

List of figures
List of tables
Introduction. Linguistic typology
setting the scene Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and R. M. W. Dixon
Part I. Domains of Linguistic Typology
1. Phonological typology Harry van der Hulst
2. Morphological typology Thomas E. Payne
3. Typology and historical linguistics Silvia Luraghi
4. Sociolinguistic typology Peter Trudgill
5. Typology and grammaticalization Heiko Narrog
6. Sign language typology Ulrike Zeshan and Nick Palfreyman
7. Typology of mixed languages Peter Bakker
8. Typology of Creole languages Aymeric Daval-Markussen and Peter Bakker
9. Typology of secret languages and linguistic taboos Anne Storch
Part II. Typology of Grammatical Categories
10. A typology of morphological processes
form and function David Beck
11. A typology of noun categorization devices Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
12. Negation Matti Miestamo
13. Number Edith Moravcsik
14. A typology of frustrative marking in Amazonian languages Simon E. Overall
15. Logophoricity Felix Ameka
16. Switch reference John Roberts
17. Approaches to motion event typology Eric Pederson
Part III. Typological Profiles of Linguistic Areas and Language Families
18. Language in the mainland Southeast Asia area N. J. Enfield
19. The Australian linguistic area R. M. W. Dixon
20. An overview of Aymaran and Quechuan language structures Willem Adelaar
21. The Eskimo-Aleut language family Michael Fortescue
22. The Athabaskan (Dene) language family Keren Rice and Willem de Reuse
23. The Iroquoian language family Marianne Mithun
24. The Kampa subgroup of the Arawak language family Elena Mihas
25. The Omotic language family Azeb Amha
26. The Semitic language family Aaron D. Rubin
27. The Dravidian language family Sanford Steever
28. The Oceanic subgroup of the Austronesian language family Valérie Guérin
29. The Greater Awyu-Ndumut language family of West Papua Lourens de Vries
Index of authors
Index of languages, language families and linguistic areas
Index of subjects.