The Cambridge Handbook of Spanish Linguistics (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics)
Cambridge University Press, 8/23/2018
EAN 9781107174825, ISBN10: 1107174821
Hardcover, 810 pages, 25.3 x 18 x 4.1 cm
Language: English
A state-of-the-art, in-depth survey of the topics, approaches and theories in Spanish linguistics today. The language is researched from a number of different perspectives. This Handbook surveys the major advances and findings, with a special focus on recent accomplishments in the field. It provides an accurate and complete overview of research, as well as facilitating future directions. It encourages the reader to make connections between chapters and units, and promotes cross-theoretical dialogue. The contributions are by a wide range of specialists, writing on topics including corpus linguistics, phonology and phonetics, morphosyntax, pragmatics, the role of the speaker and speech context, language acquisition and grammaticalization. This is a must-have volume for researchers looking to contextualize their own research and for students seeking a one-stop resource on Spanish linguistics.
Introduction Kimberly L. Geeslin
Part I. Theories and Approaches to Hispanic Linguistics
1. Generative linguistics
syntax Paula Kempchinsky
2. Optimality theory and Spanish/Hispanic linguistics D. Eric Holt
3. Usage-based approaches to Spanish linguistics Esther Brown
4. Functional-typological approaches to Hispanic linguistics Rosa Vallejos
5. Psycholinguistic approaches to Hispanic linguistics Tania Leal and Christine Shea
6. Corpus approaches to the study of language, variation and change Manuel DÃÂaz-Campos and Juan Escalona Torres
Part II. The Spanish Sound System
7. The Spanish vowel system Rebecca Ronquest
8. Consonants Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza
9. The Spanish syllable Alfonso Morales
10. Prosody
stress, rhythm and intonation Pilar Prieto and Paolo Roseano
11. Speech perception Amanda Boomershine and Ji Young Kim
Part III. Spanish Morphosyntax and Meaning
12. Word phenomena in Spanish
category definition and word formation Antonio Fábregas
13. Properties of pronominal subjects Pekka Posio
14. Properties of verb phrase
argument structure, ellipsis and negation Iván Ortega-Santos
15. Properties of the extended verb phrase
agreement, the structure of INFL, and subjects in Spanish Julio Villa-GarcÃÂa
16. Properties of nominal expressions M. Emma Ticio Quesada
17. Information structure Laura DomÃÂnguez
18. Syntax and its interfaces Timothy Gupton
19. Lexis Grant Armstrong
20. Pragmatics Maria Hasler-Barker
Part IV. Spanish in Social, Geographic and Historical Contexts
21. Spanish in contact with other languages and bilingualism across the Spanish-speaking world Lotfi Sayahi
22. Heritage speakers of Spanish Diego Pascual y Cabo
23. Geographic varieties of Spanish Elena Fernández de Molina Ortés and Juan M. Hernández-Campoy
24. Sociolinguistic approaches to dialectal, sociolectal, and idiolectal variation in the Hispanophone world Daniel Erker
25. National and diasporic Spanish varieties as evidence of ethnic affiliations Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
26. Current perspectives on historical linguistics PatrÃÂcia Amaral
27. Grammaticalization Chad Howe
Part V. The Acquisition of Spanish
28. Child language acquisition Anna Gavarró
29. Theories of second language learning Bill VanPatten
30. The L2 acquisition of Spanish sounds Megan Solon
31. The acquisition of L2 Spanish Morphosyntax Jason Rothman, Jorge González Alonso and David Miller
32. Variation in L2 Spanish Matthew Kanwit
33. Third language acquisition Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro and Michael Iverson
Author index
Subject index.