The Cambridge History of Christianity: Volume 2, Constantine to c.600

The Cambridge History of Christianity: Volume 2, Constantine to c.600

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/30/2007
EAN 9780521812443, ISBN10: 0521812445

Hardcover, 784 pages, 22.6 x 16 x 5.1 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This volume in the Cambridge History of Christianity presents the 'Golden Age' of patristic Christianity. After episodes of persecution by the Roman government, Christianity emerged as a licit religion enjoying imperial patronage and eventually became the favoured religion of the empire. The articles in this volume discuss the rapid transformation of Christianity during late antiquity, giving specific consideration to artistic, social, literary, philosophical, political, inter-religious and cultural aspects. The volume moves away from simple dichotomies and reductive schematizations (e.g., 'heresy v. orthodoxy') toward an inclusive description of the diverse practices and theories that made up Christianity at this time. Whilst proportional attention is given to the emergence of the Great Church within the Roman Empire, other topics are treated as well - such as the development of Christian communities outside the empire.

Introduction Augustine Casiday and Frederick W. Norris
Part I. Christianity
Regional Developments
1. Western Christianities Winrich Löhr
2. Germanic and Celtic Christianities Knut Schäferdiek
3. Greek Christianities Frederick W. Norris
4. Early Asian and East African Christianities David Bundy
Part II. Christianity Contested
5. Religious dynamics between Christians and Jews in late antiquity Gedaliahu Stroumsa
6. Christianity and paganism, I
Egypt David Frankfurter
7. Christianity and paganism, II
Asia Minor Frank Trombley
8. Christianity and paganism, III
Italy Michele R. Salzman
9. Christianity and paganism, IV
North Africa Anne Leone
10. The intellectual debate between Christians and Pagans Alan Brown
11. Christianity and Manichaeism Samuel Lieu
12. Heresiology
the invention of 'heresy' and 'schism' Rebecca Lyman
Part III. Christian Culture and Society
13. Towards defining a Christian culture
the Christian transformation of classical literature Bronwen Neil
14. Bishops and society Raymond Van Dam
15. Synods and councils Mark Edwards
16. The growth of church law Kenneth Pennington
17. The church, society, and political power H. A. Drake
Part IV. Christian Beliefs and Practices
18. Discourse on the Trinity Khaled Anatolios
19. History of Christology to the seventh century Karl-Heinz Uthemann
20. Sin and salvation
experience and reflections Augustine Casiday
21. From Antioch to Arles
lay devotion in context Georgia Frank
22. Saints and holy men Claudia Rapp
23. Pastoral care and discipline Rowan Greer
24. Gender, marriage and family David G. Hunter
25. The growth of liturgy and the church year Brian Spinks
26. Interpreting scripture Paul Blowers
27. Asceticism and monasticism, I
Eastern Samuel Rubenson
28. Asceticism and monasticism, II
Western Marilynn Dunn
29. Art and Propaganda fide
Christian art and architecture Beat Brenk.

'The twenty-nine essays in total paint a rich canvas of late antique Christianity in its many facets and illustrate the equally lively and varied engagement of current scholarship with this fascinating period. ... The contributors, editors and the Press must be congratulated for a volume to which the scholarly community will come back for many years as a standard reference tool.' Journal of Ecclesiastical History