The Prosody-Morphology Interface

The Prosody-Morphology Interface

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Wim Zonneveld Edited by Ren® Kager
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2nd ed., 5/6/1999
EAN 9780521621083, ISBN10: 0521621089

Hardcover, 454 pages, 23.6 x 15.9 x 3.3 cm
Language: English

In many languages, word-formation is restricted by principles of prosody that organise speech into larger units such as the syllable. Written by an international team of leading linguists in the field of prosodic morphology, this book examines a range of key issues in the interaction of word-formation and prosody. It provides an explanation for non-concatenative morphology which occurs in different forms (such as reduplication) in many languages, by an interaction of independent general principles of prosodic and morphological well-formedness. Surveying developments in the field from the 1970s, the book describes the general transition in linguistic theory from rule-based approaches into constraint-based ones, and most of the contributions are written from the perspective of Optimality Theory, a rapidly developing theory of constraint interaction in generative grammar.

1. Introduction René Kager and Wim Zonneveld
2. On the moraic representation of underlying geminates
evidence from prosodic morphology Stuart Davis
3. Verbal reduplication in three Bantu languages Laura J. Downing
4. Prosodic morphology and tone
the case of Chichewa Larry M. Hyman and Al Mtenje
5. Exceptional stress-attracting suffixes in Turkish
representations versus the grammar Sharon Inkelas
6. Realignment Junko Itô and Armin Mester
7. Faithfulness and identity in prosodic morphology John J. McCarthy and Alan S. Prince
8. Austronesian nasal substitution and other NÌ£C effects Joe Pater
9. The prosodic base of the Hausa plural Sam Rosenthall
10. Prosodic optimality and prefixation in Polish Graźyna Rowicka
11. Double reduplications in parallel Suzanne Urbanczyk
Index of subject
Index of constraints
Index of language
Index of names.