The Territorial Peace: Borders, State Development, and International Conflict

The Territorial Peace: Borders, State Development, and International Conflict

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Professor Douglas M. Gibler
Cambridge University Press, 9/13/2012
EAN 9781107016217, ISBN10: 1107016215

Hardcover, 204 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 1.3 cm
Language: English

There is continued discussion in International Relations surrounding the existence (or not) of the 'democratic peace' - the idea that democracies do not fight each other. This book argues that threats to homeland territories force centralization within the state, for three reasons. First, territorial threats are highly salient to individuals, and leaders must respond by promoting the security of the state. Second, threatened territories must be defended by large, standing land armies and these armies can then be used as forces for repression during times of peace. Finally, domestic political bargaining is dramatically altered during times of territorial threat, with government opponents joining the leader in promoting the security of the state. Leaders therefore have a favorable environment in which to institutionalize greater executive power. These forces explain why conflicts are associated with centralized states, and in turn why peace is associated with democracy.

1. Introduction
Part I. International Borders
2. Territorial issues and international conflict
3. Individual, state, and territorial issues
Part II. State Development
4. Territorial threats and political behaviour
5. Territorial threats, standing armies, and state repression
6. Territorial threats and domestic institutions
Part III. The Territorial Peace
7. Territorial peace among neighbours
8. Territorial peace and negotiated compromises
9. Territorial peace and victory in conflict
10. Final thoughts.

Advance praise: 'Existing research demonstrates that territorial issues often escalate to war and that violent conflict is rare between democratic states. Although these two findings tend to been seen as separate phenomena, Gibler argues that territorial issues shape state development and domestic politics; regional territorial threats foster political centralization, intolerance, and polarization, and the democratic peace emerges as a by-product of territorial peace. This insightful book is essential reading for all interested in the links between international conflict processes and domestic institutions and politics.' Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, University of Essex