A History of the Japanese Language

A History of the Japanese Language

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Bjarke Frellesvig
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 7/29/2010
EAN 9780521653206, ISBN10: 0521653207

Hardcover, 462 pages, 23.5 x 16.5 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Bjarke Frellesvig describes the development of the Japanese language from its recorded beginnings until the present day as reflected by the written sources and historical record. Beginning with a description of the oldest attested stage of the language, Old Japanese (approximately the eighth century AD), and then tracing the changes which occurred through the Early Middle Japanese (800–1200), Late Middle Japanese (1200–1600) and the Modern Japanese (1600–onwards) periods, a complete internal history of the language is examined and discussed. This account provides a comprehensive study of how the Japanese language has developed and adapted, providing a much needed resource for scholars. A History of the Japanese Language is invaluable to all those interested in the Japanese language and also students of language change generally.

List of tables, maps and figures
List of abbreviations
Part I. Old Japanese
1. Early writing in Japan and Old Japanese sources
2. Phonology
3. Grammar
4. Loanwords
5. Eastern Old Japanese
Part II. Early Middle Japanese
6. Writing and sources
7. Phonology
8. Grammar
9. The sinification of Japanese
Part III. Late Middle Japanese
10. Sources
11. Phonology
12. Grammar
Part IV. Modern Japanese
13. Varieties of Modern Japanese
14. Phonology
15. Grammar
16. Eastern dialect features of the standard language
17. The westernization of Japanese
loanwords and other borrowings
Appendix. Summary of the main regular phonemic changes between Old Japanese and conservative Modern Japanese
Index of main grammatical forms
General index.