A Literary History of Persia 4 Volume Paperback Set: A Literary History of Persia: Volume III - The Tartar Dominion (1265-1502): Volume 3

A Literary History of Persia 4 Volume Paperback Set: A Literary History of Persia: Volume III - The Tartar Dominion (1265-1502): Volume 3

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Edward G. Browne
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reissue, 7/23/2009
EAN 9780521116855, ISBN10: 0521116856

Paperback, 628 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 4 cm
Language: English

Nearly a hundred years since its publication, E. G. Browne's A Literary History of Persia remains a classic work in English on the subject. Spanning four volumes, it took Browne over 25 years to write and whilst it concentrates on Persian literature, it surveys many aspects of Persian culture from pre-history to the twentieth century. Volume one covers the period from the earliest periods of Persian history until Firdawsi (AD 935–1020) a highly revered poet. Volume two looks at the early medieval period and in particular on the poet Saadi (1184–1283). Volume three focuses on the Tartar Dominion (1265–1502) and volume four 'Modern Times' covers from 1500 to 1924. A remarkable achievement upon first publication, Cambridge University Press is pleased to be able to bring its edition of this seminal work back into print.

Part I. The Mongol Il-Khans of Persia, from the Death of Hulagu to the Extinction of the Dynasty (AD 1265–1337)
1. The Mongol ll-Khans of Persia (AD 1265–1337)
2. The historians of the ll-Khani period
3. The poets and mystics of the ll-Khani period
Part II. From the Birth to the Death of Timur-i-Lang, commonly called Tamerlane (AD 1335–1405)
4. The period of Timur
5. The poets and writers of the time of Timur
Part III. From the Death of Timur to the Rise of the Safawf Dynasty (AD 1405–1502)
6. History of the Later Timurid period
7. Prose writers of the Later Timurid period
8. Poets of the Later Timurid period