A Textbook of Radar: A Collective Work by the Staff of the Radiophysics Laboratory C.S.I.R.O Australia

A Textbook of Radar: A Collective Work by the Staff of the Radiophysics Laboratory C.S.I.R.O Australia

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E. G. Bowen
Cambridge University Press, 2/11/2016
EAN 9781316509654, ISBN10: 1316509656

Paperback, 686 pages, 21.6 x 14.2 x 4.1 cm
Language: English

Originally published in 1954, as a second edition of a 1947 original, this book explores in depth the rapid research and development of radar technology throughout the Second World War. Notably, the subject matter of radar falls into two distinct categories: the principles of the subject and their application to practical use. The principles are described in the first sixteen chapters of the book, whilst the last three chapters deal with the practical application of radar. The book also presents a description of military radar, the civil uses of radar and the extensive applications of radar technique in the physical sciences. Diagrams and photographs are included for reference. This book will be of great value to scholars of the history of physics.

Preface to the second edition
1. Introduction E. G. Bowen
2. Fundamentals J. L. Pawsey
3. The magnetron D. M. Sutherland
4. Triode power oscillators O. O. Pulley
5. Modulators G. C. Dewsnap and E. A. Finlay
6. Microwave transmission and cavity resonator theory R. N. Bracewell
7. Transmission line resonator technqiues D. B. Fraser
8. Aerials T. R. Kaiser
9. Aerial duplexing H. C. Minnett
10. Receivers L. L. McCready
11. Local oscillators Joan M. Freeman
12. Frequency converters H. C. Minnett
13. Amplifiers J. A. Fry
14. Display circuits B. Y. Mills
15. Automatic ranging circuits B. F. Cooper
16. Radar systems V. D. Burgmann
17. Military radar systems A. J. Higgs
18. Civil applications of radar J. G. Downes and J. Warner
19. Applications of radar to physical science A. J. Higgs and F. J. Kerr
Appendix 1. Table of constants
Appendix 2. Units and conversion factors
Appendix 3. Charts of the complex hyperbolic tangent