Adolescent Emotional Development and the Emergence of Depressive Disorders

Adolescent Emotional Development and the Emergence of Depressive Disorders

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Cambridge University Press, 11/20/2008
EAN 9780521869393, ISBN10: 0521869390

Hardcover, 378 pages, 24.1 x 16 x 2.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

One of the most striking aspects of the epidemiology of depressive disorders is the rapid rise in incidence observed between the ages of 11 and 14. This book explores the developmental changes occurring during the transition from childhood into early adolescence in order to understand how vulnerability to depression develops. The focus is on emotional development, which serves to encapsulate the cognitive, sexual, interpersonal and familial changes that are occurring during this life stage. This will be an essential read for practising psychiatrists and psychologists who work with early adolescents, along with academics and researchers interested in affective science or developmental psychology and psychopathology. Other professionals working with children and adolescents, including teachers, social workers, counsellors and family practice physicians will also find this a useful summary of scientific developments that are shedding light on the vulnerabilities and opportunities particular to this critical stage of life.

1. The importance of affective development for the emergence of depressive disorder during adolescence Nicholas B. Allen and Lisa B. Sheeber
2. The daily emotional experience of adolescents
are adolescents more emotional, why, and how is that related to depression? Reed W. Larson and Lisa B. Sheeber
3. Epidemiology of mood disorders during adolescence
implications for lifetime risk John R. Seeley and Peter M. Lewinsohn
4. Pubertal development in early adolescence
implications for affective processes Laura M. DeRose and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
5. Pubertal and neuroendocrine development and risk for depression Julia A. Graber
6. Mapping brain maturation and sexual dimorphism in adolescence Tomáš Paus
7. Neurobiological processes in depressive disorders
links with adolescent brain development Erika E. Forbes, Jennifer S. Silk and Ronald E. Dahl
8. The development of executive cognitive function and emotion regulation in adolescence Amanda Kesek, Philip David Zelazo and Marc D. Lewis
9. Cognitive factors in depressive disorders
a developmental perspective Christopher S. Monk and Daniel S. Pine
10. Empathy and moral emotions Nancy Eisenberg, Amanda Sheffield Morris and Julie Vaughan
11. Shame, self-criticism, and self-compassion in adolescence Paul Gilbert and Chris Irons
12. Temperament in early adolescence Ann V. Sanson, Primrose Letcher and Diana Smart
13. Temperament and risk for mood disorders in adolescents Daniel N. Klein, Lea R. Dougherty, Rebecca S. Laptook and Thomas M. Olino
14. Familial processes related to affective development Erin C. Hunter, Danielle M. Hessler and Lynn Fainsilber Katz
15. Adolescent mood disorders and familial processes Martha C. Tompson, James W. McKowen and Joan Rosenbaum Asarnow
16. The role of peer and romantic relationships in adolescent affective development Wyndol Furman, Christine McDunn and Brennan J. Young
17. Peer relations, friendships, and romantic relationships
implications for the development and maintenance of depression in adolescents Annette M. La Greca, Joanne Davila and Rebecca Siegel
18. Towards a developmental psychopathology of adolescent-onset depression
implications for research and intervention Nicholas B. Allen and Lisa B. Sheeber.