America in the World: The Historiography Of American Foreign Relations Since 1941

America in the World: The Historiography Of American Foreign Relations Since 1941

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Frank Costigliola
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 3/13/2014
EAN 9780521172462, ISBN10: 0521172462

Paperback, 392 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.3 cm
Language: English

This volume includes historiographical surveys of American foreign relations since 1941 by some of the country's leading historians. Some of the essays offer sweeping overviews of the major trends in the field of foreign/international relations history. Others survey the literature on US relations with particular regions of the world or on the foreign policies of presidential administrations. The result is a comprehensive assessment of the historical literature on US foreign policy that highlights recent developments in the field.

1. Introduction Frank Costigliola and Michael J. Hogan
2. The Charlie Maier scare and the historiography of American foreign relations, 1959–80 Mark Philip Bradley
3. Chaps having flaps
the historiography of US foreign relations, 1980–95 Andrew J. Rotter
4. Still contested and colonized ground
post-Cold War interpretations of US foreign relations during World War II Mark A. Stoler
5. Recent literature on Truman's atomic bomb decision
the triumph of the middle ground? J. Samuel Walker
6. The Cold War Curt Cardwell
7. Cold War presidents
Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon Stephen G. Rabe
8. The war that never ends
historians and the Vietnam war Robert K. Brigham
9. Trends in the literature on US-Latin American relations Mark T. Gilderhus and Michael E. Neagle
10. Impatient crusaders
the making of America's informal empire in the Middle East Douglas A. Little
11. Explaining the rise to global power
US policy toward Asia and Africa since 1941 Mark Atwood Lawrence
12. Bringing the non-state back in
human rights and Terrorism since 1945 Brad Simpson
13. Technology and the environment in the global economy Jonathan Reed Winkler
14. US mass consumerism in transnational perspective Emily S. Rosenberg
15. A worldly tale
global influences on the historiography of US foreign relations Thomas 'Tim' Borstelmann.