American Imperialism and the State, 1893–1921

American Imperialism and the State, 1893–1921

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Colin D. Moore
Cambridge University Press, 4/27/2017
EAN 9781316606582, ISBN10: 1316606589

Paperback, 304 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.9 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

How did the acquisition of overseas colonies affect the development of the American state? How did the constitutional system shape the expansion and governance of American empire? American Imperialism and the State offers a new perspective on these questions by recasting American imperial governance as an episode of state building. Colin D. Moore argues that the empire was decisively shaped by the efforts of colonial state officials to achieve greater autonomy in the face of congressional obstruction, public indifference and limitations on administrative capacity. Drawing on extensive archival research, the book focuses principally upon four cases of imperial governance - Hawai'i, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic and Haiti - to highlight the essential tension between American mass democracy and imperial expansion.

1. Introduction
2. Clerical state colonialism and the annexation of Hawai'i
3. Institutional design of the insular empire
4. Building a colonial state in the Philippines
5. Dollar diplomacy as inconspicuous action
6. The colonial state at the height of progressive imperialism
7. Consequences and collapse
the empire under Wilson
8. Conclusion.