An Advanced Introduction to Semantics: A Meaning-Text Approach

An Advanced Introduction to Semantics: A Meaning-Text Approach

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Igor Mel'?uk, Jasmina Mili?evi?
Cambridge University Press, 4/2/2020
EAN 9781108481625, ISBN10: 1108481620

Hardcover, 450 pages, 23.1 x 16.5 x 2.5 cm
Language: English

This book is an advanced introduction to semantics that presents this crucial component of human language through the lens of the 'Meaning-Text' theory - an approach that treats linguistic knowledge as a huge inventory of correspondences between thought and speech. Formally, semantics is viewed as an organized set of rules that connect a representation of meaning (Semantic Representation) to a representation of the sentence (Deep-Syntactic Representation). The approach is particularly interesting for computer assisted language learning, natural language processing and computational lexicography, as our linguistic rules easily lend themselves to formalization and computer applications. The model combines abstract theoretical constructions with numerous linguistic descriptions, as well as multiple practice exercises that provide a solid hands-on approach to learning how to describe natural language semantics.

Part I. Fundamentals
1. Semantics in language and linguistics
2. Some basic linguistic notions
Part II. Meaning in Language and Its Description
3. Linguistic meaning
4. Lexical meaning, lexical items and lexical units
5. Lexicographic definition
6. Lexical relations
7. Lexical functions
8. The lexical stock of a language and the dictionary
9. Sentential meaning and meaning relations between sentences
Part III. Meaning-Text Model of Semantics
10. Semantic representation
11. Deep-syntactic representation
12. Semantic rules
Concluding remarks
some mathematical and logical notions useful to linguistics
Notion and term index cum glossary
Definition index
Language index
Lexical unit and semanteme index.