Analysis of Aircraft Structures (Cambridge Aerospace Series)
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 7/3/2008
EAN 9780521865838, ISBN10: 0521865832
Hardcover, 976 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 5.1 cm
Language: English
As with the first edition, this textbook provides a clear introduction to the fundamental theory of structural analysis as applied to vehicular structures such as aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles and ships. The emphasis is on the application of fundamental concepts of structural analysis that are employed in everyday engineering practice. All approximations are accompanied by a full explanation of their validity. In this new edition, more topics, figures, examples and exercises have been added. There is also a greater emphasis on the finite element method of analysis. Clarity remains the hallmark of this text and it employs three strategies to achieve clarity of presentation: essential introductory topics are covered, all approximations are fully explained and many important concepts are repeated.
Introduction to the second edition
Introduction to the first edition
Part I. The Fundamentals of Structural Analysis
1. Stress in structures
2. Stresses and coordinate axis rotations
3. Displacements and strains
4. Strains in rotated coordinate systems
5. The mechanical behavior of engineering materials
6. Linearly elastic materials
Part II. Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity
7. The theory of elasticity
8. Plane stress theory of elasticity solutions
Part I and Part II review questions
Part III. The Engineering Theory for Straight, Long Beams
9. Bending and extensional stresses in beams
10. Beam bending and extensional deflections
11. Additional beam bending topics
12. Uniform torsion of beams
13. Beam torsion approximate solutions
Beam bending and torsion review questions
14. Beam shearing stresses due to shearing forces
Part IV. Work and Energy Principles
15. Work and potential energy principles
Part V. Energy Based Numerical Solutions
16. Precursor numerical analyses
17. Introduction to the finite element method
18. Finite element truss problems
19. Basic aspects of multidimensional finite elements
20. The unit load method for determinate structures
21. The unit load method for indeterminate structures
Parts IV and V review
Part VI. Extensions to Plate Theory and Finite Element Applications
22. Thin plate theory
23. Elastic and aeroelastic instabilities
Selected answers to Part I exercises
Selected answers to Part II exercises
Selected answers to Part III exercises
Selected answers to Part IV and Part V exercises
Selected answers to Part VI exercises
'Although the approach is classical, what makes this book different is the extensive and thorough treatment with hundreds of examples, questions and answers. No other textbook offers such a treatment.... The extensive treatment and very large number of examples is welcomed. Cambridge University Press is to be congratulated on producing a quality product for the reasonable price of £65.' G. A. O. Davies, Imperial College London