Animals, Animality, and Literature (Cambridge Critical Concepts)

Animals, Animality, and Literature (Cambridge Critical Concepts)

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Brian Massumi Edited by Bruce Boehrer
Cambridge University Press, 9/20/2018
EAN 9781108429825, ISBN10: 1108429823

Hardcover, 350 pages, 23.6 x 15.9 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

Animals, Animality, and Literature offers readers a one-volume survey of the field of literary animal studies in both its theoretical and applied dimensions. Focusing on English literary history, with scrupulous attention to the interplay between English and foreign influences, this collection gathers together the work of nineteen internationally noted specialists in this growing discipline. Offering discussion of English literary works from Beowulf to Virginia Woolf and beyond, this book explores the ways human/animal difference has been historically activated within the literary context: in devotional works, in philosophical and zoological treatises, in plays and poems and novels, and more recently within emerging narrative genres such as cinema and animation. With an introductory overview of the historical development of animal studies and afterword looking to the field's future possibilities, Animals, Animality, and Literature provides a wide-ranging survey of where this discipline currently stands.

Part I. Origins
1. Aristotle's zoology in the medieval world Pieter Beullens
2. Howling wolves and other beasts
animals and monstrosity in the Middle Ages Luuk Houwen
3. Medieval bloodsport William Marvin
4. Animals in late-medieval hagiography and romance David Salter
5. Lions, mice, and learning from animals in Henryson's Fables Gillian Rudd
Part II. Development
6. Animals, the devil, and the sacred in early modern English culture Molly Hand
7. Shakespeare's animal theater Bruce Boehrer
8. Classify and display
human and animal species, 1600–1815 Matthew Senior
9. Swift among the locusts
vermin, infestation, and natural philosophy in the eighteenth century Lucinda Cole
10. Animal subjectivities
gendered literary representation of animal minds in Anna Sewell's Black Beauty Deborah Denenholz Morse
11. Friedrich Nietzsche on human nature
between philosophical anthropology and animal studies Vanessa Lemm
Part III. Contemporary Perspectives
12. Opening up a dossier
animals, animalities, and living together with Roland Barthes Michael Lundblad
13. Animal unfamiliars
a bestiary of time-travel cinema Alanna Thain
14. Theorizing animals
Heidegger, Derrida, Agamben Matthew Calarco
15. Becoming animal in the literary field Brian Massumi
16. Animation and animism Thomas Lamarre
17. Becoming mammoth
the domestic animal, its synthetic dreams and the pursuit of multispecies f(r)ictions David Jaclin
18. Bush/animals Peter Kulchyski.