Archaeology and Urban Settlement in Late Roman and Byzantine Anatolia: Euchaïta-Avkat-Beyözü and its Environment

Archaeology and Urban Settlement in Late Roman and Byzantine Anatolia: Euchaïta-Avkat-Beyözü and its Environment

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Cambridge University Press, 11/22/2018
EAN 9781108471152, ISBN10: 1108471153

Hardcover, 402 pages, 25.8 x 17.9 x 2.3 cm
Language: English

The site of medieval Euchaïta, on the northern edge of the central Anatolian plateau, was the centre of the cult of St Theodore Tiro ('the Recruit'). Unlike most excavated or surveyed urban centres of the Byzantine period, Euchaïta was never a major metropolis, cultural centre or extensive urban site, although it had a military function from the seventh to ninth centuries. Its significance lies precisely in the fact that as a small provincial town, something of a backwater, it was probably more typical of the 'average' provincial Anatolian urban settlement, yet almost nothing is known about such sites. This volume represents the results of a collaborative project that integrates archaeological survey work with other disciplines in a unified approach to the region both to enhance understanding of the history of Byzantine provincial society and to illustrate the application of innovative approaches to field survey.

1. Physical and historical introduction Hugh Elton
2. Geology, geomorphology and paleoenvironments Warren J. Eastwood and Hakan Yiğitbaşıoğlu
3. The survey
methods of survey, data collection and management, and artificial planning James M. L. Newhard
4. Travel and communication Sarah Craft
5. The countryside Peter Bikoulis
6. The ceramics, agricultural resources and food Joanita Vroom
7. The archaeology of the city and its hinterland Hugh Elton
8. Euchaïta
from late Roman and Byzantine town to Ottoman village John Haldon
Appendix 1. Remote sensing and geophysical prospection Meg Watters
Appendix 2. The coins Alan Stahl
Appendix 3. Assigning function to survey data using heuristic geospatial modelling James M. L. Newhard, N. S. Levine and O. Adams
Appendix 4. Epigraphy Pawel Nowakowski and Frank Trombley.