Archbishop Theodore: Commemorative Studies on his Life and Influence (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England)
Cambridge University Press, 6/8/1995
EAN 9780521480772, ISBN10: 0521480779
Hardcover, 360 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.4 cm
Language: English
Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury (668–90), was a monk of Greek origin and extraordinary learning, who shaped the English Church into a structure it retained for a millennium. Yet until recently his early career has been unknown. This book builds on the publication of previously unprinted biblical commentaries from Theodore's Canterbury school, and establishes Theodore's cultural and spiritual background and the formation of his learning. Scholars provide a fresh account of Theodore's career and writings on diverse subjects, revealing a unique personality who brought to Anglo-Saxon England the cultural heritage of Syria, Byzantium and Rome.
List of abbreviations
1. The career of Archbishop Theodore Michael Lapidge
2. The Syriac background Sebastian P. Brock
3. Theodore of Tarsus and the Greek culture of his time Guglielmo Cavallo
4. Rome in the seventh century Thomas F. X. Noble
5. Theodore, the English church and the monothelete controversy Henry Chadwick
6. The importation of Mediterranean manuscripts into Theodore's England David N. Dumville
7. Theodore and the Latin canon law Martin Brett
8. The Penitential of Theodore and the Iudicia Theodori Thomas Charles-Edwards
9. Theodore and the Passio S. Anastasii Carmela Vircillo Franklin
10. Theodore and the Laterculus Malalianus Jane Barbara Stevenson
11. Theodore and the liturgy Christopher Hohler
12. Theodore's Bible
the Pentateuch Richard Marsden
13. Theodore's Bible
the gospels Patrick McGurk
14. Theodore and Anglo-Latin octosyllabic verse Michael Lapidge
15. The Canterbury Bible glosses
facts and problems J. D. Pheifer