Argentina Since Independence
Cambridge University Press, 12/9/1993
EAN 9780521439886, ISBN10: 0521439884
Paperback, 420 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Language: English
Argentina Since Independence brings together seven chapters from Volumes III, V and VIII of The Cambridge History of Latin America to provide in a single volume an economic, social, and political history of Argentina since independence. Each chapter is accompanied by a bibliographical essay.
List of maps
1. From independence to national organization John Lynch
2. The growth of the Argentine economy, c. 1870–1914 Roberto Cortés Conde
3. Society and politics, 1880–1916 Ezequiel Gallo
4. Argentina in 1914
the pampas, the interior, Buenos Aires David Rock
5. From the First World War to 1930 David Rock
6. Argenitina, 1930–1946 David Rock
7. Argentina since 1946 Juan Carlos Torre and Liliana de Riz
Bibliographical essays