Argumentation: The Art of Persuasion

Argumentation: The Art of Persuasion

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Raymond S. Nickerson
Cambridge University Press, 12/17/2020
EAN 9781108835268, ISBN10: 1108835260

Hardcover, 350 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Drawing from the study of human reasoning, Argumentation describes different types of arguments and explains how they influence beliefs and behaviour. Raymond Nickerson identifies many of the fallacies, biases, and other flaws often found in arguments as well as 'stratagems' (schemes, illogical and alogical tactics) that people regularly use to persuade others. Much attention is given to the evaluation of arguments. Readers will learn a new schematic for evaluating arguments based on cognitive science. As a source for understanding and evaluating arguments in decision-making, it is ideal for courses on cognition, reasoning, and psychology.

1. Argumentation
2. Types of arguments
3. Evaluating arguments
4. Persuasiveness
5. Plausibility
6. Fallacies
7. Biases
8. Other flaws
9. Stratagems
10. Improving argumentation.